Friday, October 4, 2013

Tangled Mind

I'm living in a small city I dreamed
City I adore the most on my way back home
I love taking a walk to everywhere I want
With my white umbrella, I walk thru those shadows
The wind makes me feel cold, but I don't even care
I need my cure...

Lately, I realized that something missed.
I missed my cure..
I love this place but it's not home
Half of myself is flying somewhere

My tears scattered in my yesterday prayer
I felt so weak
Those things are flying in my head
Those that can't be said orally
But I know, God's listening to me
Even when I shut my mouth up
Then, I burst out

I want to wait till the time has come
I wish that I were just the same...
I wish a simpler life God...
I'm sorry 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

May I ask?

Dear God, may I ask? Will I have a time when I can be a normal hearted, not the blunt one? I will be glad if you say yes..

Thursday, December 20, 2012

falling down

i have never felt like this before..
it's like a tangle infiltrating into my brain, deeper and deeper
these 572 days are damn tiring
i'm sick of everything happened

i miss my father's steady gait
i miss having breakfast at home
i miss my family swimming time
i miss my high school friends
i miss swinging on someone's hand, without any worry.

if i could ask something...
i would like to have time machine,
and going back to time when everything was simpler

it's all because i'm falling down

-sad me

Sunday, November 18, 2012

go away

When the risk's been taken
When the promises have been said
When the decision has been decided
Grab a mirror, then take it for granted

If there's a first
And there's the second
It will be much great
And if you entice the third one...
You'll got nothing.. at all...

It's written here because someone's ever been the second one
The first was jerk
and the third was heartless 

Because someone knows how it feels
Get it over and go away.

Monday, November 12, 2012

invisible rules (IR)

kali ini, otaklah yang berbicara.
lelah sudah belakangan ini saya dikuasai oleh hati.
kadang mendayung hidup pake otak jauh lebih nyaman.
kalo kata orang jaman sekarang, 'feel secure' gitu.
soalnya tau, nggak akan jatuh kemana-kemana.
nah, kalo hidup didayung pake hati rasanya nano-nano
sering kerasa 'temporary high'
tapi bisa jadi 'suddenly down'
ini juga yang katanya orang jaman sekarang 'feel insecure'
ada kawan laki-laki yang ngomong 'pelangi' ke seorang perempuan.
ternyata kawan tersebut juga ngomong 'pelangi' ke seorang lainnya.
ternyata yang ada bukan 'seorang', tapi 'dua orang', atau mungkin bahkan 'tiga orang'
ternyata kata 'pelangi' itu sama kayak sebuah invisible rules.
(halah, kayak koas aja sih kamu)
selalu diucapkan ke siapapun
karna dia nggak pernah tau, sama siapa dia bisa nyandar.
katanya, dia mau begitu sampai waktunya habis.
kadang saya kesel liat kelakuan kamu.
pingin rasanya saya jedotin kepala kamu ke tembok.
tapi tenang aja, saya nungguin kok.
kapan-kapan kan pasti butuh tempat sampah.
nggak apa-apa jadi tempat sampah,
kan sekalian nebeng
nebeng dapet pelajaran hidup cuma-cuma.

Durable Love

beberapa orang komen "ih kok joko anwar mau aja sih bikin film isinya iklan?!". but, in my opinion it's kind of cute funny short film. yah, at least gw ketawa pas pertama kali nonton. 

hidup itu terlalu 'huge' untuk dihabiskan sendiri.....

Sunday, October 28, 2012


the coward one is still peeping from the back of the big stone, even afraid to see the rainbow. like a stupid shit!

Friday, October 26, 2012

60 kilometer(s) per day

Have you ever felt sick of something?
Yes, I have.
I was fed up with the hospital i come to everyday, 2-3 months ago. I was living like a robot, coming in the early morning - night shift - sleeping like death body at dorm in the next day - coming in the early morning again - and... so.... on....

Let me say, I spent 26 of my 60 nights at the hospital. Till the drawing time came, i got a 'jackpot' examiner doctor. Hahaha. I also got a quite 'special' resident doctor. What a perfect combination! After 2 days, i just realized that i was in trouble (_ _#). Eating all those books in that busy weeks with ding-dong-nighit shift was burning me like hell (-____-). And the exam day had finally come that day, i was tested for 2 days with each about an hour. It's stopped after he said that my patient's medical record was not completed as it should be.

berikut salah satu cuplikannya:

Doctor: "ooo, pasienmu umurnya berapa?"
Me: " 11 bulan dokter"
Doctor: "ooo 11 bulan ga punya gigi ya? kok ga ditulis di status"
Me: *nunduk* *senyumkecut* *inginsalto* *pengennangis* *kenapaharusluputmacemgini*