Friday, July 16, 2010

Please Do in Beautiful Way

Posting ini sebenernya hasil reblog-an dari blog yang belakangan ini selalu gw ikuti (klik disini). Buat gw cerita mereka indah dengan segala sisi atas-bawah dari kehidupan. Belakangan ini gw lagi peduli banget sama blogspot gw ini. Kalau kata temen gw, Madean, blog itu tempat lo ceritain hal-hal yang bisa dibilang ga terbatas. True girl!! Kadang buat ngepost sesuatu di twitter/fbook/tumblr gw bisa mikir lama banget. "Kira-kira ada yang sakit hati ga ya baca tulisan gw?", "Kira-kira ada yang ketawain tulisan gw ga ya?". Nah kalo disini kan kira-kira yang baca belom tentu kenal nih jadi ya gw cuek aja. haha :p ah udah ah.. hehe. yuk disimak ini hasil perburuan gw.

Should differences do us apart?
If they should, please do in beautiful way

Different (by: Vincent Tabatha)

How are we so "different"?
If "different" is just a thing.
If we all have certain features,
What does "different" bring?
People filled with hatred,
Can't possibly see,
That there's not really "differences"
Between you and me.
Looks can't show "difference",
If they're just there to be seen.
If you don't look like someone else,
Why are they so mean?
If being "different" is what is wrong,
I'd rather not be right.
And I'd want to finish living,
Doing the "different" fight.

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