Sunday, September 16, 2012

Balas Dendam

Orang-orang selalu bilang, "Sudahlah, kamu tidak usah membalasnya, biar Tuhan saja yang membalas".

Bukankah lebih tepat seperti ini, "Sudahlah, jika ingin membalas, balaslah sendiri dengan tanganmu. Tetapi kita sama-sama tau, tidak baik membalas bajingan dengan bertindak layaknya bajingan pula. Lalu apa bedanya kamu sama dia?"

Kenapa? Karena (menurut saya), 'membalas kejahatan' adalah sifat dasar manusia. Jadi, jangan pernah meminta Tuhan membalaskan dendam manusia. Karena Tuhan tidak akan pernah 'membalaskan dendam'.


Lagi waras,


Thousands Reasons

I have one hundred seventy three things to be written here. But there're just limited time, limited chances, and limited good mood to have them written. I always really want to have all my thoughts written, but sometimes sleeping is much more interesting to do. 

Life is going like usual, like a normal life with its up(s) and down(s). But, that is my normal life, not yours, neither anyone else. Yea, something normal for me, not always normal for the others. Everyone's life has its own waves. One time, i was having night shift, sitting inside pediatric emergency room, and talking with a just-known-friend, then he asked "Sinta, kamu nggak pernah punya masalah ya? nggak pernah sedih ya? menclok sana, menclok sini. ketawa sana, ketawa sini". So, i answered quickly "siapa bilang? hahaha. masalah sih banyak, tapi kan ga perlu mengganggu kehidupan". Then, he responded "wah parah kamu, gampang banget ngelupain masalah". Deep down inside my brain, "eh buset, aneh bener ini orang. masak masalah disuruh dipelihara. gila kali".

Because of that conversation i remember that one of my friend said "the one we have to worry about is the one who never looks sad and frown". Yes, i agree that every human being needs happiness, laughter, sadness, and tears. People need to fall and raise. Those things are also happened to me, but i process them in (maybe) different way. 

When thunder comes, i need:
24-48 hours to burst it out, think based on feeling, do everything that could make me laugh
next 150 hours to have the brain back, get the best answer, place myself and say "what if", and have some rationalization.
And the last, living my own life like usual.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Should I Say, Beside 'Thanks'?

Tons of thanks to my far away family: anggie, dayu, nurul, jo, kiki, andien, anggra, weda, emman, and mas bat. You guys never fail me :)