Thursday, August 26, 2010

Feeling Fine

doe, a deer a female deer
ray, a drop of golden sun
me, a name i call my self
far, a long long way to run
sew, a needle pulling thread
la, a not to follow so
tea, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to do

I met this tame mamal at Bale Kambang Park. Anyway, Life's going fine these days (except some academical schedule trouble). I guess that i'm fed up with this past problem. God showed me some good parts these days and God is very fair. I live my present for my future, not past. It's time to go :) 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

14 Days To Go

Hmm ini postingnya agak ga jelas sih. Cuma karena belom ngantuk aja. Percaya atau tidak, posting sesuatu pasti membuat gw mengantuk. haha. 14 hari lagi itu tanggal 4 september. hmm sebenernya gw ga pengen tanggal segitu cepet-cepet dateng. Gw males harus berumur 21 tahun, walaupun gw tau juga sih itu harus disyukuri, itu adalah berkat. Kalo dari ekspektasi gw, umur 21 itu merupakan second turning point setelah umur 17 tahun. Umur yang kayanya bakal banyak perubahan (if it works as planned). Di tahun ke 21 ini bakal banyak yang terjadi, kalau sesuai perkiraan.
  1. Bakal jadi ulang tahun 'pertama'. Ga terlalu masalah juga sih, nothing was special juga.
  2. Akan ujian skripsi abis ulang taun. amin.
  3. Bakal pindah dari pre-klinik ke klinik. amin. semoga tepat waktu.
  4. Di umur 21 tahun ini, pekerjaan sebagai NEO juga akan berakhir. Entah akan berlanjut atau enggak. first thing(k) first lah ya.
Tadinya gw berharap akan ada di rumah pas ulang tahun, hehe tapi ternyata itu belum libur. Gw baru balik tanggal 7 sore ke Jakarta. Untuk kado, gw ga berharap apa-apa. Tahun ini wishlist gw (yang dulu pernah gw post di tumblr) terpenuhi semua jadi kayanya ga ada alasan lagi buat minta sesuatu. Ada sih yang pengen gw beli, tapi kayanya nabung dulu deh hehe x)

Hiks barusan di IM mbak wewen, katanya tangannya papa kena luka bakar kira-kira derajat 2. entah mesti :( atau (_ _")

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Two Third –Year Summary

This year is a bitter-sweet year for me. I have passed so many kinds of new dares.

  • In the beginning, I learned how to free something that had been with me for several years. I lost something that I wouldn't have it back forever. Errr anyway, I don't want to have it back either. It felt like you're losing one of your legs. But I walk through it all. It's true that God never gives problem without its solution, God never makes us ask if there's no answer. And I've been the whole-hearted.
  • I learned a lot about people. In this year, I've met many new people. I've got some new good friends, even best friends. They are awesome and independent. Having good times with them is like resetting your mind and it becomes any lighter.

  • I love my family (more than ever). Because of something gone, I have more time to spend with my family and to be at home. Random-talking with my mother, silly-talking with my father, picking my nieces at their school, going to the cinemas with all my nieces and nephews, and driving my sister anywhere. Unconsciously, they are great, they are amazing. They are reason to be at home while having holiday.
  • One step closer with old-buddies (high school pals). I always love how we treat each other. They are called friends till the end, my remedies. Talking to you makes the worst to be worse, the worse to be bad, bad to be good, the good to be better, and the better to be best J
  • I knew new unexpectedly people. This point is funny enough. I've never thought to have a closer friendship with this guy. The last time I saw him was about 3 years ago at my high school. We have ever talked for little time only, until we met on an internet messenger. Accidentally, we had a quite similar problem then we talked much. I know, I learned some things from you, man! I hope you're having goodtime now. Better to take some green vegetables and keep breaking a leg!
  • I also know another nice person. I don't know how to start writing about him. Yes, I mean you.
  • Being NEO, Wall climbing, playing guitar at college's event, trying for volley, learning Deustch, making a try of Bengawan, etc. These are the best part J
  • By today, my thesis hasn't been finished yet. I hope it will be finished by September

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Independence Day Indonesia

" Indonesia tanah airku, tanah tumpah darahku
  Disanalah aku berdiri, jadi pandu ibuku
  Indonesia kebangsaanku, bangsa dan tanah airku 
  Marilah kita berseru, Indonesia bersatu "
Happy Independence Day Indonesia, land where I was born, place where I grew up. Even google's taking part of this moment by using red-white for its symbol :) Dirgahayu RI!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

broken heart robot

It has been 2 am and I'm (still) awake. Listening to the melodies, surfing on net world, and I'm (still) awake. To be honest, this week will be so hectic. I'll say good bye to this week soon. While forcing my self to sleep, I played with my stuffs. The words are random, I wish everyone was born with heart inside.

twigs among the sky

Friday, August 13, 2010

Solo-Jakarta by another (economical) way

Several days ago (July 29th 2010), I and my dorm mate (Dayu) went to Jakarta and made a trying for economy public train. It was the first time for us, both, using that kind of public transportation. The prices of the ticket is much cheaper than another transportation, it costed 38.000 rupiahs per person. I think that it's really cheap to reach more than 500 kilometers by that budget. The train is named Bengawan, it departs on 15.45 and arrives on 05.00 in the next morning. 

That was unprepared trip, lol. We suddenly decided it in the afternoon, then we were in the train by the evening. From that trip, I'll write some tips if you are train-ing by economical public train ;)

DO(s) !!
#1 Bring some money in your pocket to pay everything you need along the trip.
#2 Bring some books. It will save you from getting bored. Before taking the train, I went to Gramedia to buy a novel, ps i love you (willy's recomendation). This book was released last year but I haven't read it.  Luckily, that was the last ps i love you in town and I got 50% of discount :) I am not keen on reading, but reading will help you killing time in the train. seriously! 
#3 Wear simple clothes, as simple as you can. Do not attract for atentions.
#4 It's better to have your mobile phone inactivated.
#5 Bring any wet tissue and plastic for the bin